Yaja! en haar krul

Yaja! en haar krul

Yaja is een vrolijk meisje met haar in dansende krulletjes die vandaag op stap gaat met mama Maar dan gebeurt er iets waarover Yaja echt even met mama moet praten.
Mama luistert aandachtig en door de lieve woorden van mama komt alles weer goed.

Are you Ready?

Are you Ready?

In the moment’s excitement, couples tend to make many promises from a cloudy, filtered place of assumptions and presumptions. However, for many, these promises do not come from a deceptive place. Because, sitting in on many counselling sessions, very few indeed come with deceptiveness, and needless to say, they soon find how challenging life can become keeping unrealistic expectations. But for the most part, the challenges that individuals may encounter are simply because of naivety and being ill-equipped to embark on the journey they excitedly set out for……

Serving Your Purpose

Serving Your Purpose

Time Talent and treasure are scalable resources that enchance our earthly experoences. When one becomes more intentional in their useage, one becomes more significantand can bring immense value to their team, families, communities, organisations and Nation.

From Ashes to Beauty

From Ashes to Beauty

Eneida Delgado Silva’s journey from diverse beginnings to becoming a respected psychologist and author underscores her message that challenges are not meant to define us but to refine us. Her book serves as a guiding light for anyone seeking to embrace their own journey, find purpose in their experiences, and discover the beauty that emerges from life’s ashes

Van as tot schoonheid

Van as tot schoonheid

Eneida Delgado Silva’s reis van een divers begin tot een gerespecteerd psycholoog en auteur onderstreept haar boodschap dat uitdagingen niet bedoeld zijn om ons te definiëren, maar om ons te verfijnen. Haar boek dient als leidraad voor iedereen die zijn eigen reis wil omarmen, een doel in zijn ervaringen wil vinden en de schoonheid wil ontdekken die uit de as van het leven tevoorschijn komt.

De Cinzas a Beleza

De Cinzas a Beleza

O percurso de Eneida Delgado Silva, desde as origens diversas até se tornar uma respeitada psicóloga e autora, sublinha a sua mensagem de que os desafios não se destinam a definir-nos, mas sim a refinar-nos. O seu livro é uma luz orientadora para todos os que procuram abraçar a sua própria viagem, encontrar um objetivo nas suas experiências e descobrir a beleza que emerge das cinzas da vida.



Complete or compete renders strategies for growing your influence and affluence; and helping you maximize your calling, allowing you to function effectively and with integrity in the market space. You will discover how your desire to create your dream business is a desire shared by your heavenly Father…..



One of the best analogies used in the Bible to describe God’s restoration work is the fl ow of a river. A fl ow which really comes from the crevices of your innermost being. Just as a river bubbles and fl ows unhindered along its bed and serves as a feeder to  the ocean, so it is to someone that fl ows from divine personality…..



“Losing someone close to you can be a real shock to the system and can leave everyone at a loss for words.
Motivated by her own bereavement,
Dee’s have written this empowering booklet to give comfort and support to the bereaved and those
support-ing them.”
Carmen Adams


The do’s and don’t of helping people who are grieving.



In electronic engineering, electric voltages use a transformer as a boost in an electricity distribution system. Similarly, a transformed life is one that has “boosted voltage levels.” It is a life that is full of energy and resourcefulness. And that is what this book is all about. The transformational thoughts shared therein will set you up for effectiveness, and before long, you will not only be the best version of yourself, but you will rise to the top in your field…



Unarguably, every right choice that was made by the people before us often makes it easier for us and those who come after us to ride smoothly in life. But this fact is also reflected on the opposite. If negative choices are made by those before, it becomes harder for the people and us coming after us, setting in motion hurdles to jump over and challenges to contend with before getting to breathe some fresh air, and having a fresh start.



From all ages, the universe has operated by infallible principles that produce real results. One of such is the principle of the abundance in one. It takes one seed to grow a tree. Abundance is the innate potential of any seed. …

Unlocking Supreme Intelligence

Unlocking Supreme Intelligence

Do you know that the tangible emerged from intangible; the visible appeared from invisible, and the physical is a manifestation of the spiritual? The outcome of purposes, actions, activities, and events in the spirit realm are manifest in our physical experience. Guess what? There is a lot to learn about what’s going on around you!



Value makes virtues out of a vessel to establish the authenticity of faith at work in the recipient. But in the realm of the supernatural, faith is not how close you are to the vessel; faith is beyond thronging! Your closeness to God or an individual does not determine the flow of the virtues they carry. What defines the flow of virtues is your value for the vessel. Faith, therefore, is recognizing God’s value, appreciating God’s worth, and acting on His worth/value to attract the release of His virtues.



Hour of darkness is real, but more real is the grace that sustains and secures triumph for the saints.  After the trial comes triumph and after the battle comes victory. However, the strength of victory is God’s invaluable grace and mercy made available at the juncture of the hour of darkness to equip your faith in handling the affairs of life through patience and dependency on the Helper of life. …

SOUND OF THE LAST DAYS (revised version)

SOUND OF THE LAST DAYS (revised version)

There is a different and a more pro-active consciousness in recent times where the environment is concern and, in many circles, this book carries circumstantial climate conditions shared in the heavens and the earth, but it contrast the effect it incurred. This book clearly notes that in heaven there are earthquakes and thunders, lightning and great mighty sounds that will depict on earthly places yet in heaven the effect is totally the contrary.

Fire Rain

Fire Rain

The newest book by Alexander Emoghene.

God designed us for success by wiring into each one with great minds, personalities and talents. Prayer activates these powers. Life is the container we find ourselves in. Which try to contain your dreams and callings by myriads of events and effects; which tend to keep us distracted from finding our main calling in life.

Love in Action

Love in Action

40 Days Devotional.
Meditate on over +200 Scriptures
+40 Powerful prayera and confessions
+40 life changing principles on righteouseness and holiness.
+ meditation note for world leaders.

By Alexander Emoghene

The Overcomer's Life

The Overcomer's Life

The New birth; the trouble here is that the emphasis is on the temporal; a person is not encouraged to look at the new birth in light of eternity but rather the ‘here-and-now’. An individual with such a mind-set, will soon find out that their relationship with the Father will be inconsistent and yield little to no fruit. Get more from your faith by a simple revelation in this book through the Apostolic benediction: The grace of The Lord Jesus, Love of God and the fellowship of the Spirit!

Perfecting Love

Perfecting Love

Every single part of God is love.  When He speaks, He speaks love. His every single motive is shrouded with love. He cannot be anything else. That is why John, by revelation, wrote through the Holy Spirit that if we claim to know God yet do not have love then we are liars.

Levels of Love

Levels of Love

Love, love, love; it is a word that we all know – yet so few truly understand it. The word love conjures up various images depending on who you speak to. That is because often in life, people define things by what they have experienced and witness: This book is designed to help the reader to truly understand love.

I Will Build

I Will Build "Raising the next generation desciple"

Raising the next generation disciple: A beginners guide to being moulded into the image of Christ. The question most people ask is. “after Christ has given me His life, then where Do I go from here”? Find practical principles and keys within this work-book and start success your journey of faith.

Hunger For Impact

Hunger For Impact

For every defeat, setback, hindrances, delays or disappointments; find the keys to your eminent come-back through the realities captured within the pages of this book and discover the secrets that will change your life forever.

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