Fire Rain (MoBi Ebook)


Fire Rain – Breaking evil containment with precision prayers.

God designed us for success by wiring into each one with great minds, personalities and talents. Prayer activates these powers. Life is the container we find ourselves in. Which try to contain your dreams and callings by myriads of events and effects; which tend to keep us distracted from finding our main calling in life.
Life should not determine what we do or become; we are to determine how life treats us and what we become in life. In prayer, we begin to set the tone of our life. We learn to resist temptations to settle and remain contained. God knows our potential to raise to great heights and he is not shy about it. Hence his invitation to pray for answers and breakthrough.
It is left for you to challenge yourselves by strategic prayers. You are delivered into the world not to talk and keep your dreams inside of you but be unrevealed as it were and to present the gift of God in you. As it is said, “do not judge the book by its cover”. Your cover only will not serve the purpose of God. So, the world is waiting to enjoy your content as well.

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